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Chinese translation for "r and r"


1.=rest and recuperation (leave) 【美军】(正常例假以外的)休整假期。
2.rock'n'roll 摇滚舞(曲)。

Related Translations:
r:  短语和例子R=80000。 the ‘r' [R] months 九月到四月〔牡蛎当令的季节,月名都含有 r 字〕。 the three R's (作为初等教育基础的)读写算 〔reading, writing, arithmetic〕。短语和例子R =1.〔拉丁语〕 recipe 【医学】处方。2.radical.3.Reaumur.4.〔拉丁语〕 Rex, Regina
r and b:  R and B =rhythm and blues 拍子清楚,节奏简单的布鲁斯乐曲。
r and d:  R and D,R & D=research and development 研究与发展。
Example Sentences:
1.Joe literally launched out during his r and r
2.Tell them we going for a little r and r
3.And that ' s five minutes of r and r i ain ' t never gonna get back
4.Henry has been working too hard recently . he really needs some r and r
5.I can ' t wait for spring festival . i ' m going to visit my parents and get some r and r
6.It ' s not that these folks do n ' t like their r and r . nearly nine of 10 respondents believe vacations help them relieve stress and stay healthy
倒不是说这些人不喜欢彻底地休假休养与恢复,事实上几乎90 %被调查者认为休假有助于减轻工作压力和保持健康。
7.These pages can be divided into two classes : one is relevant pages r , another is unrelevant pages r . taking use of the difference of local weight between r and r , we choose the term with most difference as character term
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